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歌名 首句 試聽
1. 讚美真神 (Praise God from Whom all blessings flow) 讚美真神,萬福之根, [Midi]
2. 榮耀歸神 (Glory to God in the highest) 榮耀歸與最高神!榮耀歸神!榮耀歸神! [Midi]
3. 至高主宰 (O worship the King) 耶和華真神,至高大主宰! [Midi]
4. 賜恩之主 (O Lord of heaven) 天地日月海洋之主, [Midi]
5. 恩慈永存 (High o'er all, the Lord eternal)   [Midi]
6. 讚美我主 (Praise ye the Lord! Tis good) 讚美我主,我願聲高, [試聽][Midi]
7. 慈愛不變 (Let us with a gladsome mind)   [Midi]
8. 頌三一神 (Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty) 聖哉!聖哉!聖哉! [試聽][Midi]
9. 永世之光 (Eternal Light, Eternal Light) 永世之光永世之光, [Midi]
10. 永遠保障 (O God, our help in ages past)   [Midi]
11. 信實廣大 (Great is Thy faithfulness)   [Midi]
12. 讚父慈愛 (Praise God for His love so deep)   [試聽][Midi]
13. 讚主恩權 (Give thanks to God Most High)   [Midi]
14. 讚父奇愛 (Father, twas Thy love that knew us)   [試聽][Midi]
15. 讚美天君 (Praise, my soul, the King of heaven)   [Midi]
16. 願仍高唱 (We are never weary of the grand old song) 昔日所唱詩歌今日我願仍高唱, [Midi]
17. 榮歸天父 (To God be the glory) 榮耀歸於天父!祂哀憐普世, [Midi]
18. 萬福恩源 (Come, Thou fount of every blessing) 救主耶穌,萬福恩源, [Midi]
19. 讚我天父 (We praise Thee, O Lord)   [Midi]
20. 親近天父 (Abba, Father, we approach Thee)   [Midi]
21. 主為我牧 (The King of Love my Shepherd is)   [Midi]
22. 我信真神 (I believe in God Almighty)   [Midi]
23. 同讚羔羊 (Come, let us join our cheerful songs)   [Midi]
24. 讚我恩人 (Jesus, Thou alone art worthy) 我主耶穌,惟你是配, [Midi]
25. 何等救主 (Man of sorrows! what a name) 神的基督從天至,拯救罪人脫罪死, [Midi]
26. 奇妙救主 (Christ has for sin atonement made)   [Midi]
27. 齊讚主恩 (Praise the Saviour, ye who know Him)   [Midi]
28. 頌讚主名 (All praise to Him Who reigns above) 頌讚歸與耶穌聖名, [Midi]
29. 聖名榮光 (O for a thousand tongues to sing)   [Midi]
30. 願你為大 (Be Thou supreme, Lord Jesus)   [Midi]
31. 讚祂讚祂 (Praise Him, Praise Him, Jesus our blessed Redeemer)   [Midi]
32. 讚美羔羊 (Hark! ten thousand voices sounding)   [Midi]
33. 大哉聖名 (All hail the power of Jesus' Name) 大哉!聖哉!耶穌之名! [Midi]
34. 快來擁戴 (Crown Him with many crowns) 快來擁戴為王,聽啊!佳樂傳遍諸天, [Midi]
35. 超過萬有 (Far above all is the Saviour enthroned)   [Midi]
36. 難測大愛 (It passeth knowledge, that dear love of Thine)   [Midi]
37. 獻上詩歌 (Lord, accept our feeble song)   [Midi]
38. 耶穌良友 (I've found a friend in Jesus)   [Midi]
39. 你愛何摯 (My Saviour, whence Thy love to me?)   [Midi]
40. 常念主愛 (Day and night do I think on Thy love) 我晝夜常思念你的愛,耶穌! [Midi]
41. 頌主大愛 (Of Jesus' love that sought me) 我要頌主大慈愛,口舌永說不盡。 [試聽][Midi]
42. 惟獨耶穌 (Jesus only is our message) 惟獨耶穌是我信息, [Midi]
43. 晝夜讚美 (Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine)   [Midi]
44. 何等的名 (Jesus, how much Thy Name unfolds)   [Midi]
45. 思念主恩 (Lord Jesus, when we think on Thee)   [Midi]
46. 耶穌可愛 (Jesus is my loving Saviour)   [Midi]
47. 主恩滿懷 (Jesus, the very thought of Thee)   [Midi]
48. 耶穌恩名 (How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds)   [Midi]
49. 聖愛妙恩 (Love divine, all loves excelling)   [Midi]
50. 無比良友 (One there is above all others)   [試聽][Midi]
51. 耶穌我主 (Jesus, The Name I love)   [Midi]
52. 美哉耶穌 (Fairest Lord Jesus)   [Midi]
53. 永不改變 (O how sweet the glorious message) 昨日今日直到永遠主話不變, [Midi]
54. 但我知道 (I cannot tell why He whom angels worship)   [Midi]
55. 讚美耶穌 (When I saw the cleansing fountain)   [Midi]
56. 小伯利恆 (O little town of Bethlehem)   [Midi]
57. 大衛城中 (Once in royal David's city)   [Midi]
58. 平安夜 (Silent night, holy night) 平安夜,聖善夜,萬暗中, [Midi]
59. 明星燦爛 (Midnight, sleeping Bethlehem)   [Midi]
60. 明月寒星 (The moon and stars on Christmas Eve)   [Midi]
61. 牧人聞信 (While shepherds watched their flocks)   [Midi]
62. 聖誕佳音 (The first Nowell)   [Midi]
63. 基督降生 (Hark! the herald angels sing) 聽啊,天使讚高聲, [試聽][Midi]
64. 普世歡騰 (Joy to the world) 普世歡騰!救主下降:大地接她君王, [Midi]
65. 齊來崇拜 (O come, all ye faithful) 齊來,宗主信徒,快樂又歡欣, [Midi]
66. 救主誕生 (Christians, awake, salute the happy morn)   [Midi]
67. 歡樂佳音 (Shout the tidings, let us sing exultingly)   [Midi]
68. 歡樂不息 (Rejoice and be glad)   [Midi]
69. 卑苦君王 (Who is He in yonder stall?) 誰躺臥馬槽當中,牧人來伏拜謙恭。 [Midi]
70. 求來我心 (Thou Didst Leave Thy Throne) 在昔日我主為罪人降生, [Midi]
71. 奇妙愛情 (I have a Friend whose faithful love)   [Midi]
72. 你孤單麼 (Are you lonely?) 你孤單麼?真孤單麼? [Midi]
73. 隨主步履 (From Bethlehem we journey)   [Midi]
74. 祂來尋我 (Jesus, my Saviour, to Bethlehem came)   [Midi]
75. 時已夜半 (Tis midnight; and on Olive's brow)   [Midi]
76. 有一青山 (There's a green hill far away)   [Midi]
77. 永久磐石 (Ages, cleft for me) 永久磐石為我開,讓我藏身在你懷; [Midi]
78. 思念十架 (When I survey the wondrous Cross) 我每思念十字寶架, [Midi]
79. 哀主流血 (Alas, and did my Saviour bleed?)   [Midi]
80. 傷心為你 (Have you heard the story of the Cross?) 你曾否想到十架故事:耶穌流血代死? [Midi]
81. 在各各他 (Years I spend in vanity and pride)   [試聽][Midi]
82. 來看羔羊 (Behold, behold the Lamb of God) 大家來看贖罪羔羊, [Midi]
83. 榮歸聖羔 (Glory to God on high)   [Midi]
84. 創傷的頭 (O sacred Head, now wounded)   [Midi]
85. 背我重負 (O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head)   [Midi]
86. 讚美寶血 (Precious, precious blood of Jesus)   [Midi]
87. 有一活泉 (There's a fountain filled with blood) 有一活泉充滿寶血, [Midi]
88. 寶架榮尊 (In the Cross of Christ I glory)   [Midi]
89. 我主我王 (Jesus, my Lord, my glorious King)   [Midi]
90. 叫我明白 (Give me a sight, O Saviour) 主啊!你奇妙的愛, [Midi]
91. 寶架影中 (Beneath the Cross of Jesus)   [Midi]
92. 求你指教 (O teach me what it meaneth) 哦,主,求你指教我:為何十架高立, [Midi]
93. 罪債還畢 (I hear the Saviour say)   [Midi]
94. 稱頌十架 (On a hill far away stood an old rugged Cross)   [Midi]
95. 救世大功 (One day when heaven was filled with His praises)   [Midi]
96. 主今復活 (Christ the Lord is risen today)   [試聽][Midi]
97. 主得全勝 (The strife is o'er, the battle done)   [Midi]
98. 讚主復活 (Jesus lives! thy terrors now)   [Midi]
99. 自墓復活 (Low in the grave He lay)   [Midi]
100. 祂活祂活 (I serve a risen Saviour) 我事奉復活救主,祂今就在世間, [試聽][Midi]
101. 復活大能 (Resurrection power Revive)   [Midi]
102. 救主升天 (Hail the day that sees Him rise)   [Midi]
103. 奉上冠冕 (Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious)   [Midi]
104. 今戴榮冕 (The Head that once was crowned with thorns)   [Midi]
105. 保惠師來 (O spread the tidings round)   [Midi]
106. 充滿我心 (Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove)   [Midi]
107. 向我吹氣 (Breathe on me, Breath of God)   [試聽][Midi]
108. 生命泉源 (I'm feeding on the living bread) 我主耶穌是生命源, [Midi]
109. 靈恩大雨 (There shall be showers of blessing)   [Midi]
110. 豐富生命 (Are you looking for the fulness?) 你心裡渴慕救主耶穌賜豐富生命麼? [試聽][Midi]
111. 膏油代價 (First the cleansing, then the)   [Midi]
112. 今充滿我 (Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit)   [Midi]
113. 憑爾意行 (Have Thine own way, Lord)   [Midi]
114. 聖靈居衷 (Joys are flowing like a river)   [Midi]
115. 寶貴聖經 (How precious is the book divine) 美哉聖經何等寶貴, [試聽][Midi]
116. 奇哉主道 (Sing them over again to me) 聖經都是真神言語, [Midi]
117. 暗路明燈 (Lamp of our feet)   [Midi]
118. 我有一燈 (A lamp I have to guide my feet)   [Midi]
119. 美景園圃 (I have a garden fair)   [Midi]
120. 求主擘餅 (Break Thou the bread of life) 求主擘生命餅,充我飢腸, [Midi]
121. 古老福音 (Tell me the old, old story)   [Midi]
122. 愛傳福音 (I love to tell the story) 我愛傳講主福音,傳講天上妙事, [Midi]
123. 主恩救人 (Let us sing of His love once again)   [Midi]
124. 為我受傷 (Wounded for me, wounded for me)   [Midi]
125. 惟主救世 (There's but One the world can save)   [Midi]
126. 惟主寶血 (What can wash away my sin?)   [Midi]
127. 靠血洗淨 (Have you been to Jesus for the cleansing power?)   [Midi]
128. 寶血功效 (Would you be free from your burden of sin?)   [Midi]
129. 血下平安 (Christ our Redeemer died on the Cross)   [Midi]
130. 望而活 (Look to Jesus, weary one)   [Midi]
131. 望就得生 (There's life for a look)   [Midi]
132. 永遠生命 (O what a Saviour that He died for me)   [Midi]
133. 完全救法 (Praise the Lord for His salvation)   [Midi]
134. 主救人 (We have heard a joyful sound)   [Midi]
135. 敬聽恩言 (Hark, my soul, it is the Lord)   [Midi]
136. 世界的光 (The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin)   [Midi]
137. 罪人請來 (Come, ye sinners, poor and needy)   [Midi]
138. 主接罪人 (Sinners Jesus will receive)   [Midi]
139. 主今召你 (Jesus is tenderly calling)   [Midi]
140. 天門大開 (There's a gate that stands ajar)   [Midi]
141. 來聽福音 (Come, friends, hear the Gospel call)   [Midi]
142. 不過信祂 (Come, every soul by sin oppressed)   [Midi]
143. 召你回家 (Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling)   [Midi]
144. 主今召你 (Today the Saviour calls)   [Midi]
145. 無論何人 (Whosoever heareth! shout, shout the sound)   [Midi]
146. 讓主進入 (If you are tired of the load of your sin)   [Midi]
147. 必須重生 (A ruler once came to Jesus by night)   [Midi]
148. 起來罪奴 (Arise, be free, ye slaves of sin)   [Midi]
149. 主斷鎖鏈 (He can break every fetter)   [Midi]
150. 何不現在 (Why do you wait, dear brother?)   [Midi]
151. 何必再遲 (Why do you delay?) 勸罪人莫離主聖道, [Midi]
152. 幾乎聽勸 (Almost persuaded)   [Midi]
153. 深海重罪 (Ere my voice breaks forth in song)   [Midi]
154. 懇求聖靈 (Alas, my heart so dark)   [Midi]
155. 極深仁慈 (Depth of mercy, can there be)   [Midi]
156. 莫把我棄 (Pass me not, O gentle Saviour)   [Midi]
157. 再無可誇 (No more, my God, I boast no more) 主啊!我再不誇自己, [Midi]
158. 惟主能救 (Weeping will not save me)   [Midi]
159. 我要回家 (I've wandered fax away from God)   [Midi]
160. 主,我今來 (I hear Thy welcome voice) 我心何等歡喜,因聽救主說道: [Midi]
161. 照我本相 (Just as I am, without one plea) 照我本相,無善足稱, [Midi]
162. 來就十架 (I am coming to the Gross)   [Midi]
163. 靠主十架 (Down at the Cross where my Saviour died)   [Midi]
164. 聖羔贖罪 (Not all the blood of beasts)   [Midi]
165. 我罪歸主 (I lay my sins on Jesus)   [Midi]
166. 洗我清潔 (Lord, through the blood of the Lamb)   [Midi]
167. 我必靠你 (Jesus, I will trust Thee)   [Midi]
168. 倚靠救主 (I am trusting Thee, Lord Jesus)   [Midi]
169. 已成了 (Hark, a voice from heaven proclaiming)   [Midi]
170. 因信稱義 (Justified by faith, no more condemnation) 因信稱義,永不再定罪, [Midi]
171. 不再定罪 (No condemnation, precious word)   [Midi]
172. 得救樂聲 (Salvation, O the joyful sound)   [Midi]
173. 為何憂疑 (From whence this fear and unbelief)   [Midi]
174. 算遮蓋我 (I was wandering in the paths of sin)   [Midi]
175. 深信所知 (I know not why God's wondrous grace) 我真不知神的奇恩為何臨到我身; [試聽][Midi]
176. 奇妙救主 (Jesus has loved me, wonderful Saviour)   [Midi]
177. 恩典妙音 (Grace, lis a charming sound)   [Midi]
178. 主恩更多 (O what a wonderful Saviour) 何等希奇一位救主! [Midi]
179. 主已還清 (I hear the Saviour say, thy strength indeed is)   [Midi]
180. 豐盛救恩 (Full salvation, full salvation)   [Midi]
181. 毅然從主 (I'm not ashamed to own my Lord)   [Midi]
182. 何等改變 (What a wonderful change in my life)   [Midi]
183. 原為亡羊 (I was a wandering sheep)   [Midi]
184. 妙愛為我 (In tenderness He sought me)   [Midi]
185. 轉回天路 (Once when a slave to sin)   [Midi]
186. 我聽主言 (I heard the voice of Jesus say)   [Midi]
187. 榮耀釋放 (I was once in the chains of sin) 我曾被罪惡鎖鏈之束縛, [試聽][Midi]
188. 幸得自由 (Once I was in sin and misery)   [Midi]
189. 快樂日 (O happy day, that fixed my choice)   [Midi]
190. 祂除我罪 (I came to Jesus, weary, worn and sad)   [Midi]
191. 榮美福地 (Far away the noise of strife)   [Midi]
192. 讚主宏恩 (Awake, my soul, in joyful lays)   [Midi]
193. 我得一友 (I've found a Friend, oh, such a Friend)   [Midi]
194. 投錨石中 (I'm anchored in Jesus)   [Midi]
195. 保護能力 (Twas the wonderful blood of Jesus)   [Midi]
196. 我甚歡樂 (I am so glad that our Father in heaven)   [Midi]
197. 主在是天 (Since Christ my soul from sin set free)   [Midi]
198. 我父作王 (My Father is rich in houses and lands)   [Midi]
199. 記念主名 (Take the Name of Jesus with you) 憂苦弟兄容我勸你, [Midi]
200. 安樂無休 (Like a river glorious)   [Midi]
201. 救恩穩固 (I hear the words of love)   [Midi]
202. 主內滿足 (O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found)   [試聽][Midi]
203. 主恩足用 (Sufficient is Thy grace, O Lord)   [Midi]
204. 我曾捨命 (I gave My life for thee) 我曾捨命為你,我血為你流出, [Midi]
205. 主我屬你 (Who is on the Lord's side?)   [Midi]
206. 任領何往 (I can hear my Saviour calling)   [Midi]
207. 都歸耶穌 (All for Jesus, All for Jesus)   [Midi]
208. 一切全獻 (All to Jesus I surrender) 我將一切獻與耶穌, [Midi]
209. 求主管理 (Take my life, and let it be)   [Midi]
210. 身心獻主 (A vessel filled with living water)   [Midi]
211. 為主而活 (Living for Jesus a life that is true) 我願獻身心,為基督而活, [Midi]
212. 讓主居首 (My heart is the Lord's, my spirit is the Lord's) 我心屬主,我靈屬主, [Midi]
213. 我的至寶 (My supreme treasure is the Lord Jesus)   [Midi]
214. 專為我主 (Precious Saviour, may I live)   [Midi]
215. 獻我身心 (What shall I give to Jesus?)   [Midi]
216. 主我愛你 (Lord Jesus, I love Thee)   [Midi]
217. 我要愛主 (I will love Jesus)   [Midi]
218. 寧有耶穌 (I'd rather have Jesus)   [Midi]
219. 求主領扶 (O Jesus, I have promised)   [試聽][Midi]
220. 穩當根基 (How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord)   [Midi]
221. 別無根基 (My hope is built on nothing less)   [Midi]
222. 要倚靠主 (Blessed is he that is trusting the Lord)   [Midi]
223. 祂不誤事 (He cannot fail for He is God) 祂不誤事,因祂是神, [Midi]
224. 神是信實 (God the Father is faithful)   [Midi]
225. 立應許上 (Standing on the promises) 立定在我主耶穌的應許上, [試聽][Midi]
226. 信心的歌 (Keep up the song of faith)   [Midi]
227. 信心不停 (When thou art weakest)   [Midi]
228. 有你夠了 (O God, how great is Thy Name)   [Midi]
229. 主阿我信 (I will not doubt)   [Midi]
230. 一心靠賴 (All my doubts I give to Jesus)   [Midi]
231. 心不要疑 (Begone, unbelief! My Saviour is near)   [Midi]
232. 惟要倚靠 (Simply trusting every day)   [Midi]
233. 靠主甜蜜 (Tis so sweet to trust in Jesus)   [Midi]
234. 後必知清 (Not now, but in the coming years)   [Midi]
235. 靠主應許 (Though men despise and friends revile)  
236. 主必預備 (In some way or other the Lord will provide)   [Midi]
237. 神言堅定 (The promises of God cannot fail)   [Midi]
238. 我的救主 (I am not skilled to understand)   [Midi]
239. 求主引領 (Guide me, O Thou great Jehovah)   [Midi]
240. 導我前行 (Lead, kindly Light)   [Midi]
241. 主操我舵 (Jesus Saviour, pilot me)   [Midi]
242. 願主引導 (Jesus, still lead on)   [Midi]
243. 一路引領 (Saviour, lead me lest I stray)   [Midi]
244. 仰望救主 (My faith looks up to Thee) 我以信心仰望你在十字架上, [試聽][Midi]
245. 主眼看顧 (Precious promise God has given)   [Midi]
246. 耶穌領我 (He leadeth me, O blessed thought)   [Midi]
247. 領我行走 (Jesus leads me o'er the billows)   [Midi]
248. 主引天路 (Gladly tread the heavenly road)   [Midi]
249. 願主常偕 (I would have the Saviour with me)   [Midi]
250. 全程主領 (All the way my Saviour leads me)   [Midi]
251. 主常指引 (I know not what awaits me)   [Midi]
252. 耶穌呼召 (Jesus calls us o'er the tumult)   [Midi]
253. 能否順服 (Can you be obedient?)   [Midi]
254. 跟隨救主 (Down in the valley with my Saviour) 我願意跟隨主,奔走平坦道路, [Midi]
255. 信而順服 (When we walk with the Lord) 當我與主同行,在祂話的光中, [Midi]
256. 背架跟主 (Walking with Jesus)   [Midi]
257. 願行主路 (Thy way, not mine, O Lord)   [Midi]
258. 十架道路 (The way of the Cross means sacrifice) 十字架的道路要犧牲, [Midi]
259. 甘背苦架 (Jesus, I my cross have taken)   [Midi]
260. 走主道路 (Following my Lord in sacrifice)   [Midi]
261. 願背十架 (The Lord's love is high, deep, unsearchable)   [Midi]
262. 主是我否 (Someone is wandering from the true way)   [Midi]
263. 應背苦架 (Many crowd the Saviour's kingdom)   [Midi]
264. 負架回家 (I must needs go home by the way of the Cross)   [Midi]
265. 如何愛主 (How should I love?)   [Midi]
266. 背負十架 (Am I a soldier of the Cross)   [Midi]
267. 生順死安 (For me to live is Christ)   [Midi]
268. 主賜平安 (The Lord gives me peace)   [Midi]
269. 願主同憂 (When my Lord in Gethsemane)   [Midi]
270. 我心愛你 (O Lord, my heart loves Thee)   [Midi]
271. 十架雖重 (The Cross that He gave may be heavy)   [Midi]
272. 並不喪膽 (Therefore we do not lose hope)   [Midi]
273. 賴主避難 (Jesus, Lover of my soul)   [Midi]
274. 無友可比 (There's not a friend like the lowly Jesus)   [Midi]
275. 主懷念我 (Amid the trials that I meet)   [Midi]
276. 耶穌明白 (Bowed beneath your burden)   [Midi]
277. 主為我牧 (Jesus is our Shepherd, wiping every tear)   [Midi]
278. 早晨歡呼 (O weary pilgrim, lift your head)   [Midi]
279. 安於主懷 (Safe in the arms of Jesus)   [Midi]
280. 主翅膀下 (Under His wings I am safely abiding) 安穩隱藏在祂大能翅膀下, [Midi]
281. 神未應許 (God hath not promised skies ever blue)  
282. 我心安然 (God's almighty arms are round me)   [Midi]
283. 主必保守 (When I fear my faith will fail)   [Midi]
284. 父必看顧 (Be not dismayed whate'er befall)   [Midi]
285. 永在我心 (There's a peace in my heart)   [Midi]
286. 永不離你 (I will never leave thee)   [Midi]
287. 我靈鎮靜 (Be still, my soul)   [Midi]
288. 息主臂中 (What a fellowship, what a joy divine)   [Midi]
289. 安居主愛 (In heavenly love abiding)   [Midi]
290. 不要懼怕 (Never be afraid)   [Midi]
291. 數主恩惠 (When upon life's billows) 當你遇見苦難如波濤沖撞, [Midi]
292. 恩上加恩 (Have you on the Lord believed?)   [Midi]
293. 求主施恩 (Lord, I hear of showers of blessing)   [Midi]
294. 愛的轉變 (O the bitter shame and sorrow) 我懊悔已往太卑鄙, [試聽][Midi]
295. 化我冷心 (In the truth neither cold nor hot)   [Midi]
296. 在我心 (Lord, I want to be a Christian)   [Midi]
297. 沒有間隔 (Nothing between, Lord)   [Midi]
298. 聖潔入天 (Nothing unclean can enter in)   [Midi]
299. 求主潔淨 (There's often sin in the depths of my heart) 心靈深處時有罪慾,靠己力不能克除, [Midi]
300. 比雪更白 (Lord Jesus, I long to be perfectly whole)   [Midi]
301. 依傍十架 (Jesus, keep me near the Cross) 我心依傍主十架,在彼有生命水, [Midi]
302. 願作主囚 (Make me a captive, Lord)   [Midi]
303. 愛主更深 (More love to Thee, O Christ) 切願深愛我主,愛主更深, [Midi]
304. 願有新心 (O for a heart to praise my God) 願我常有讚主之心, [Midi]
305. 隱藏的愛 (Thou hidden love of God)   [Midi]
306. 耶穌我來 (Out of my bondage, sorrow and night)   [試聽][Midi]
307. 不再是我 (Not I, but Christ) 不再是我,乃是主被人信從, [Midi]
308. 前今變換 (Once it was the blessing) 前要的是祝福,今要主自己; [Midi]
309. 惟要主 (Whom have I, Lord?)   [Midi]
310. 求奪我心 (Hast thou heard Him, seen Him, known Him?)   [Midi]
311. 時刻蒙恩 (Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned mine)   [Midi]
312. 同死同活 (I am crucified with Christ)   [Midi]
313. 與主同死 (Since I died with Christ)   [Midi]
314. 與主合一 (Lord Jesus, are we one with Thee?)   [Midi]
315. 更像恩主 (More like the Master I would ever be) 更像我恩主,永遠像我主, [Midi]
316. 藉我表揚 (Thy life is revealed in me) 你的生命藉我表揚, [Midi]
317. 我願像你 (Lord, I want to be like Thee) 主,我願像你,榮耀的救主! [Midi]
318. 願更完全 (More holiness give me, move sweetness within) 主!使我更愛你,和你更親密, [Midi]
319. 使我更配 (O Jesus Christ, grow Thou in me)   [Midi]
320. 全勝之愛 (Jesus, Thine all-victorious love)   [Midi]
321. 追求聖潔 (Take time to be holy)   [Midi]
322. 逐日高升 (I'm pressing on the upward way)   [Midi]
323. 再求進步 (I have been cleansed in the blood of Christ)   [Midi]
324. 助我進深 (Deeper, deeper into the depths of God's love) 進深!進深!入主仁愛深淵, [Midi]
325. 近乎我主 (Nearer my God to Thee)   [Midi]
326. 時刻需你 (I need Thee every hour)   [Midi]
327. 我要耶穌 (I need Jesus, my need I now confess) 我深知道:我真需要耶穌 [Midi]
328. 親近主 (Thou my everlasting portion)   [Midi]
329. 耶穌於我 (Jesus is all the world to me)   [Midi]
330. 步步隨主 (Step by step with Jesus)   [Midi]
331. 吸我引我 (I am thine, O Lord)   [Midi]
332. 與主同在 (Still, still with Thee when purple morning breaketh)   [Midi]
333. 就近恩座 (At the throne of grace) 敬詣恩座前,仰瞻主聖顏, [Midi]
334. 靜默主前 (Silently now in Thy presence)   [Midi]
335. 主為至寶 (I once lived for the world)   [Midi]
336. 主,我相屬 (Loved with everlasting love)   [Midi]
337. 我正安息 (Jesus, I am resting, resting)   [Midi]
338. 主懷沉思 (O Thou in Whose presence my soul)   [Midi]
339. 想起難捨 (Lord Jesus, when I think of Thee) 主耶穌啊!想起了你, [Midi]
340. 唯一根基 (The Church's one foundation) 教會唯一的根基,乃主耶穌基督, [Midi]
341. 郇城美福 (Glorious things of thee are spoken) 美哉郇城,神的聖城, [Midi]
342. 又到主日 (Safely through another week I)   [Midi]
343. 聖日讚主 (Sweet is the work, my God)   [Midi]
344. 主日安息 (Another six days' work is done.)   [Midi]
345. 什一奉獻 (Thanks and praise to the Father)   [Midi]
346. 主內團契 (Brethren of the heavenly calling)   [試聽][Midi]
347. 彼此連合 (Blest be the tie that binds) 兄弟相愛相親,須要心誠意真, [試聽][Midi]
348. 務要追求 (Follow peace with all men)   [試聽][Midi]
349. 願主偕你 (God be with you till we meet again)   [Midi]
350. 祈禱良時 (Sweet hour of prayer)   [Midi]
351. 同心禱告 (Where two or three)   [Midi]
352. 虔誠祈禱 (Come, my soul, thy suit prepare)   [Midi]
353. 求主發言 (Speak, Lord, in the stillness)   [Midi]
354. 以靈感靈 (Prayer is the music of heaven)   [Midi]
355. 超世樂園 (There's a secret garden)   [Midi]
356. 每逢想念 (Whenever I think of Jesus love)   [Midi]
357. 在恩座求 (What a Friend we have in Jesus)   [Midi]
358. 告訴耶穌 (Are you weary? Are you heavy hearted?) 在你心中若有世間憂慮, [Midi]
359. 不住祈禱 (Don't stop praying)   [Midi]
360. 儆醒禱告 (Christian, seek not yet repose) 基督徒莫有安逸,請聽守衛天使說:「在你四周多仇敵: [Midi]
361. 天醫惠臨 (The Great Physician now is near)   [Midi]
362. 洗禮意義 (O what means baptism's rite?)   [Midi]
363. 水禮見證 (Around Thy grave, Lord Jesus)   [Midi]
364. 復活生命 (Buried with Christ, and raised with Him too) 與主同死、同葬、同復活, [Midi]
365. 與主對晤 (Here, O my Lord, I see Thee face to face)   [Midi]
366. 不忘主愛 (Jesus, Thy love shall I forget?) 耶穌,你愛我怎能忘, [Midi]
367. 遵囑記念 (According to Thy gracious word) 今日我們在主面前虔誠恭敬聚集, [Midi]
368. 喫餅飲杯 (Twas on that dark betrayal night) 我主耶穌被賣之夜, [Midi]
369. 樂主恩筵 (Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts)   [Midi]
370. 直等主來 (By Christ redeemed, by Christ restored)   [Midi]
371. 真等祂來 (Till He come, O let the words)   [Midi]
372. 我渴想你 (The Church will be caught up) 教會將要被提,愁苦轉為歡喜, [Midi]
373. 將孩獻主 (See Israel's gentle Shepherd stand)   [Midi]
374. 嬰孩週歲 (For a year of loving care)   [Midi]
375. 萬全之愛 (O perfect love)   [試聽][Midi]
376. 婚姻祝頌 (Happy pair in wedlock joined)   [Midi]
377. 趕快傳揚 (O Zion,Ii3st6 o)   [Midi]
378. 奉主差遣 (Sent by Jesus, preach the Gospel)   [Midi]
379. 盡力救人 (Rescue the perishing)   [Midi]
380. 有九十九 (There were ninety and nine)   [Midi]
381. 遍傳福音 (From Greenland's icy mountains)   [Midi]
382. 快送光 (There's a call comes ringing)   [Midi]
383. 與主同情 (I am willing to be like-mined with Christ)   [Midi]
384. 任主差派 (It may not be on the mountain's height)   [試聽][Midi]
385. 遍傳各方 (To the regions beyond I must go)   [Midi]
386. 盡忠為主 (We are going forth from the school of Jesus)   [Midi]
387. 趕快工作 (Work for the night is coming)   [Midi]
388. 來作工 (To the work, to the work)   [Midi]
389. 殷勤作工 (Go labour on, spend and be spent) 殷勤作工,日復一日, [Midi]
390. 派我牧羊 (As shepherds appointed)   [Midi]
391. 隨時撒種 (Sowing in the morning)   [Midi]
392. 個人工作 (Everyone can do personal work)   [Midi]
393. 光當廣照 (Let the Lower Lights Be Burning)   [Midi]
394. 快顯亮光 (.Do not wait until some deed of greatness)   [Midi]
395. 一日工完 (One more day's work for Jesus)   [Midi]
396. 思慕美地 (O land of rest, for thee I sigh) 安息美地主已預備, [Midi]
397. 豈可空回 (Must I go and empty-handed?)   [Midi]
398. 求主用我 (Lord, speak to me that I may speak) 求主向我靜談真理, [Midi]
399. 事主上算 (Service for the lord is well worth while)   [Midi]
400. 復興你工 (Thy work, O Lord Rock of) 復興你工作,主!向你聖徒顯現; [Midi]
401. 跟隨前進 (The Son of God goes forth to war)   [Midi]
402. 導我作戰 (Lead on, O King Eternal)   [Midi]
403. 興起為主 (Stand up, stand up for Jesus)   [Midi]
404. 基督精兵 (Onward, Christian soldiers)   [Midi]
405. 作主精兵 (Ho, my comrades, see the signal)   [Midi]
406. 耶穌得勝 (Hallelujah, Christ is victor)   [Midi]
407. 靠主得勝 (Encamped along the hills of light)   [Midi]
408. 奮勇爭戰 (When temptation surges round you)   [Midi]
409. 主是保障 (A mighty fortress is our God)   [Midi]
410. 奮勇直奔 (Fight the good fight)   [Midi]
411. 高縫主旗 (There's a royal banner given for display)   [Midi]
412. 務要提防 (My soul, be on thy guard)   [Midi]
413. 必救到底 (Yield not to tempation)   [Midi]
414. 堅拒撒但 (No! to the will of the Devil)   [Midi]
415. 耶穌門徒 (I am Christ's disciple)   [Midi]
416. 背架得勝 (Whoso takes up his Cross)   [Midi]
417. 一心信靠 (Trusting in the Lord) 一心信靠我恩主,往前走, [試聽][Midi]
418. 直奔標竿 (Believers all must watch)   [Midi]
419. 猛烈爭戰 (The battle's fierce today)   [Midi]
420. 福哉諸聖 (For all the saints)   [Midi]
421. 基督再臨 (It may be at mom when the day is awaking)   [Midi]
422. 主來審判 (Lo, He comes with clouds descending)   [Midi]
423. 若今日來 (Jesus is coming to earth again)   [Midi]
424. 主必快來 (In these, the closing days of time)   [Midi]
425. 殷勤等候 (In the little while between)   [Midi]
426. 點名時候 (When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound) 主耶穌再臨那日必要高聲吹起號筒, [Midi]
427. 一無罣慮 (In nothing be anxious)   [Midi]
428. 儆醒迎主 (When Jesus comes to reward His servants)   [Midi]
429. 見主無憂 (My heart shall rest from all its strain)   [Midi]
430. 主快降臨 (I am watching and waiting)   [Midi]
431. 耶穌為王 (Sing we the King who is coming to reign)   [Midi]
432. 救主來臨 (O come, O come, Emmanuel)   [Midi]
433. 萬國君王 (Jesus shall reign where'er the sun)   [Midi]
434. 同聚美地 (There's land that is fairer than day) 有一地比白日更光彩, [Midi]
435. 有一美地 (There's a land of pure delight) 有一美地福氣無限, [Midi]
436. 快樂家鄉 (There's a better world, they say)   [Midi]
437. 眾聖朝父 (Ten thousand times ten thousand I)   [Midi]
438. 佳美錫安 (Come, ye that love the Lord) 凡敬愛主的人,可歡然來讚美, [Midi]
439. 金城福備 (Jerusalem the golden)   [Midi]
440. 渴慕家鄉 (The sands of time are sinking)   [Midi]
441. 我家在天 (I'm but a stranger here)   [Midi]
442. 問客何往 (Whither pilgrims are you going?)   [Midi]
443. 天是我家 (My home is in heaven)   [Midi]
444. 去不去 (We're bound for the land)   [Midi]
445. 王前謳吟 (We shall stand before the King)   [Midi]
446. 甘美家鄉 (He looked for a city)   [Midi]
447. 家在那邊 (O think of the home over there) 仰望我家鄉在那邊, [Midi]
448. 必睹主顏 (Some day the silver cord will break)   [Midi]
449. 歸應許地 (Where are now the Hebrew children?) 古有三人,信心堅剛, [Midi]
450. 願否同去 (Will you meet me at the fountain?)   [Midi]
451. 萬物光明 (All things bright and beautiful)   [Midi]
452. 大地風光 (For the beauty of the earth)   [Midi]
453. 天父世界 (This is my Father's world) 這是天父世界:孩童側耳要聽, [Midi]
454. 主是愛 (Praise Him, Praise Him, All His children praise Him) 主的小孩,大家都來讚美! [Midi]
455. 父恩廣大 (Great are Thy mercies, Heavenly Father)   [Midi]
456. 耶穌愛我 (Jesus loves me, this I know)   [Midi]
457. 愛聽福音 (I love to hear the story)   [Midi]
458. 槽中聖嬰 (Away in a manger)   [Midi]
459. 耶穌能救 (Have you heard? Jesus saves)   [Midi]
460. 主愛小孩 (Suffer little children)   [Midi]
461. 切勿耽延 (Come to the Saviour, make no delay)   [Midi]
462. 容小孩來 (When mothers of Salem)   [Midi]
463. 小孩就主 (If I come to Jesus)   [Midi]
464. 立志獻身 (Just as I am, Thine own to be)   [Midi]
465. 親愛牧人 (Saviour, like a Shepherd lead us)   [Midi]
466. 生活如光 (God make my life a little light)   [Midi]
467. 小眼望天 (Two little eyes to look to God)   [Midi]
468. 主望我光照 (Jesus bids us shine)   [Midi]
469. 效但以理 (Standing by a purpose true)   [Midi]
470. 父必看見 (My Father God can see)   [Midi]
471. 耶穌珍寶 (When He cometh, when He cometh)   [Midi]
472. 光明之城 (There's a city bright)   [Midi]
473. 有一福地 (There's a happy land)   [Midi]
474. 兒童晚禱 (Jesus, tender Shepherd, hear me)   [Midi]
475. 信神垂聽 (I believe God answers prayer)   [Midi]
476. 獻上愛禮 (Father, we bring to Thee our gifts of love) 我們誠心獻上愛的禮物, [Midi]
477. 人人求福 (Happiness is what men seek)   [Midi]
478. 人心壞極 (The heart is desperately wicked)   [Midi]
479. 想到我罪 (I think upon my sins)   [Midi]
480. 怎樣得福 (Who happiness can find?)   [Midi]
481. 及早悔改 (See the Kingdom is at hand)   [Midi]
482. 勸人認主 (Who is Jesus? Do you know Him?)   [Midi]
483. 信能得救 (Can people come and be saved?)   [Midi]
484. 現在就主 (Come to Jesus, Just now)   [Midi]
485. 備油在器 (When the new life we gain)   [Midi]
486. 頌揚基督 (When morning gilds the skies)   [Midi]
487. 清晨歌詠 (At early morning all nature worships) 清早起來看,紅日出東方, [Midi]
488. 我靈速醒 (Awake, my soul, and with the sun)   [Midi]
489. 夜晚禱告 (Glory to Thee my God this night)   [Midi]
490. 求主同住 (Abide with me) 我願跟隨我救主,無論走何路, [Midi]
491. 晚間頌主 (Day is dying in the west)   [Midi]
492. 晚禱求恩 (At even, ere the sun was set)   [Midi]
493. 我靈之光 (Sun of my soul, Thou Saviour dear)   [Midi]
494. 此日已過 (The day thou gavest, Lord, is ended)   [Midi]
495. 又過一年 (Another year is gone)   [Midi]
496. 前走號令 (Forward be our watchword)   [Midi]
497. 耕田撒種 (We plough the fields and scatter)   [Midi]
498. 收成樂歌 (Come, ye thankful people, come)   [Midi]
499. 與主同住 (For ever with the Lord) 永遠與主同住,我心何等渴慕, [Midi]
500. 恭獻新堂 (Almighty God, how great)   [Midi]
501. 為國求福 (O Lord, bless our nation) 主祝福我國家,主祝福我國家, [Midi]
502. 福樂家庭 (Happy the home when God is there) 恩主賜恩引導家中, [Midi]
503. 詩二十三 (The Lord is my Shepherd) 耶和華是我的牧者, [Midi]
504. 詩一一七 (O praise the Lord, all ye nations) 萬國啊,你們都當讚美耶和華, [Midi]
505. 詩一二一 (I will lift up mine eyes) 我要向山舉目,我的幫助從何而來? [Midi]
506. 詩一二三 (Unto Thee do I lift up mine eyes)   [Midi]
507. 父神之愛 (The love of God is greater far) 父神之愛,高厚無邊, [Midi]
508. 祂拯救我 (Im loving kindness Jesus came) 救主耶穌由天而來, [試聽][Midi]
509. 憶加略山 (King of my life, I crown Thee now)   [Midi]
510. 為何愛祂 (Jesus has promised my Shepherd to be)   [Midi]
511. 為王理事 (I am a stranger here)   [Midi]
512. 速開心門 (Have you any room for Jesus?)   [Midi]
513. 跟隨我 (I hear my risen Saviour say)   [Midi]
514. 為我釘死 (There was One who was willing) 有一人極甘心為我罪而犧牲, [Midi]
515. 雖如硃紅 (Though your sins be as scarlet)   [Midi]
516. 為我為我 (It was alone the Saviour prayed)   [Midi]
517. 我願進來 (Behold Me standing at the door)   [Midi]
518. 憶髑髏地 (I remember Calvary)   [Midi]
519. 我必識主 (When my life's work is ended (quartet))   [Midi]
520. 平安全安 (Peace, perfect peace)   [Midi]
521. 叩門叩門 (Knocking, knocking, Who is there?)   [Midi]
522. 讓祂入 (There's a Stranger at the door)   [Midi]
523. 主愛救我 (I was sinking deep in sin) 我曾在罪中流蕩,遠離平安之岸, [Midi]
524. 我救贖主 (I will sing of my Redeemer)   [Midi]
525. 十架永勝 (Hallelujah for the Cross)   [Midi]
526. 何等的愛 (Behold, what love, what boundless love)   [Midi]
527. 奇妙故事 (I will sing the wondrous story) 我要唱奇妙故事:主耶穌為我受死, [Midi]
528. 我的榮耀 (When all my troubles and trials are o'er) 當我作完主交付的聖工, [Midi]
529. 何能如此 (And can it be that I should gain?)   [Midi]
530. 奮勇進攻 (The fight is on, the trumpet sound)   [Midi]
531. 加略山頂 (On Calvary's brow my Saviour died)   [Midi]
532. 潔白於雪 (Blessed be the fountain of blood)   [Midi]

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
