
  1. 愛的光今日照耀人間,照耀幽暗、罪惡的人間,

  2. 靠你寶血我進你亮光,脫離幽暗,進威嚴榮光,

  3. 我定睛瞻仰君王榮光,反映君王樣式與容光,

[ Shine Jesus Shine ]
  1. Lord the light of Your love is shining,
    In the midst of the darkness, shining;
    Jesus, Light of the world, shine upon us,
    Set us free by the truth You now bring us,
    Shine on me, Shine on me.

  2. Lord, I come into Your awesome presence,
    From the shadows into Your radiance;
    By the blood I may enter Your brightness,
    Search me, try me, consume all my darkness.
    Shine on me, Shine on me.

  3. As we gaze on Your kingly brightness,
    So our faces display Your likeness,
    Ecer changing from glory to glory,
    Mirrowed here may our lives tell Your story.
    Shine on me, shine on me.
Shine, Jesus, shine, Fill this land with the Father's glory;
Blaze, Spirit, blaze, Set our hearts on fire.
Flow, river, flow, Flood the nations with grace and mercy;
Send forth Your Word, Lord, And let there be light.

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