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歌名 首句 試聽
1. 只有主 La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la……
2. 快樂心弦 花開得璀璨耀眼繽紛,
3. Jesus Is My Friend We thank you, dear God. You give us lives, You giv
4. 迷路的小羊 為舍為為羊仔四處望?
5. 處處是天國 來看奇妙美景,有許多歡笑聲,
6. 小小芥菜種 現在就讓我看四福音,
7. 聖靈果樹  
8. Giving Thanks We give thanks to You, O God. We give thanks to Yo
9. 倚依靠上帝  
10. 凡事感恩  
11. 凡事祈禱  
12. 挪亞奇遇記  
13. 求主寬恕 Forgive him, Jesus, forgive him, 他對我若有虧欠,
14. 跟隨主行  
15. Prayer To Jesus Christ O great Lord, Jesus Christ gives us what we need.

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
