

歌名 首句 試聽
1. 我全然獻上 (This Is My Offering)   [試聽]
2. 賜福在這地 (Send Thy Blessing On This Land)   [試聽]
3. 三一頌 (Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow)   [試聽]
4. 和散那 (Hosanna)   [試聽]
5. 十架的大能 (The Power Of The Cross)   [試聽]
6. 恢復敬拜 (Revive Our Worship)   [試聽]
7. 我要看見 (I Want To See)   [試聽]
8. 恢復敬拜 (Revive Our Worship)   [試聽]
9. 是耶穌的名 (We Lift Up Your Name)   [試聽]
10. 敬拜耶穌 (We Worship You, Oh Jesus)   [試聽]
11. 愛使我們勇敢我們愛 (Love Can Make Us Brave/We Will Love)   [試聽]
12. 數不盡 (Grace Beyond All Measure)   [試聽]
13. 愛你直到永遠 (Loving You Forever)   [試聽]
14. 高舉雙手敬拜 (Lift My Hands To Worship)   [試聽]

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
