版權屬 火把音樂事工 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
El Shaddai   [試聽]
三天之後 (The Third Day)   [試聽]
引領前方的路 (Lead The Way For Me)   [試聽]
永不回頭 (No Turning Back)   [試聽]
永恆的獎賞 (Heavenly Reward)   [試聽]
永恆閃耀 (Always Shining)   [試聽]
全然得勝 (A Great Victory)   [試聽]
同行 (All Day and All Night)   [試聽]
向世界發聲 (Church To The World)   [試聽]
向左向右開展 (Out to the Right and to the Left)   [試聽]
你是我的救主 (My Saving King)   [試聽]
你真美好 (Amazing)   [試聽]
你臨到我 (You Came Alone)   [試聽]
我需要你 (I Need You)   [試聽]
身旁 (By My Side)   [試聽]
奇妙可畏 (Wonderfully Made)   [試聽]
活著為要作見證   [試聽]
為我而來 (We Are the Reason)   [試聽]
恩典拼圖 (In Your Grace)   [試聽]
唯獨倚靠你 (My Trust is in You) 若非你流出寶血贖回我, [試聽]
焚而不毀 (Consuming Fire)   [試聽]
無限 (Unlimited)   [試聽]
當我抬頭仰望 (When I Look at the Sky) 人算什麼,你竟顧念他, [試聽]
澆灌的花園 (A Watered Garden)   [試聽]
器皿 (Vessel)   [試聽]
興起興起 (Rise Up, Rise Up)   [試聽]
轉向你 (Gaze On You)   [試聽]
醫治者 (Healer)   [試聽]
獻上一切 (I Give You All)   [試聽]

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
