楊伯倫-Holy Spirit Revive Me
版權屬 楊伯倫 所有


歌名 首句 試聽
1. Holy Spirit Revive Me (願那靈火復興我)  
2. God Hath Promised (神的應許)  
3. Because of Love (是因著愛)  
4. Do You Know (你可知道)  
5. Psalm 23 (詩篇廿三篇)  
6. The Wonderful Love (奇妙的愛)  
7. The Light of All Creation (生命之源)  
8. Lord, I will Exalt You (主啊我要讚美你)  
9. O Give Thanks (當感謝)  
10. A Sinner's Pray (罪人的禱告)  
11. Rejoice in the Lord Always (要靠主常常喜樂)  
12. Vow to love Thee (誓言愛主)  
13. Be Saved Today (得救在今天)  
14. Praise Be to The Lord (稱頌耶和華)  
15. Song of the Lone Swan (孤雁心聲)  
16. Lord, Come Live in My Heart (求主居我心中)  
17. God's Grace Never Change (主的恩典永不改變)  
18. My Lord will Come and be with You (我主必來與你同在)  
19. I Will Follow Jesus (同奔主道)  
20. O Spirit of God Fill My Heart (主的靈充滿我心)  

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Email: info@christianstudy.com

本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
