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歌名 首句 試聽
1. 神言語 (God Said It)   [試聽]
2. 聖徒齊來歌唱 (Come, Christians, Join to Sing)   [試聽]
3. 我們聚集主前 (We Gather Together)   [試聽]
4. 真神是我們堅固城 (A Mighty Fortress Is Our God) 真神是我們堅固城,永不動搖的保障; [試聽]
5. 親愛的主,人群的父 (Dear Lord and Father of Mankind) 親愛的主,人群的父, [試聽]
6. 我要歌唱耶和華的大慈愛 (I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord) 我要唱耶和華的大慈愛到永遠 [試聽]
6. 我要唱耶和華的大慈愛 (I Will Sing of the Mercies of the Lord) 我要唱耶和華的大慈愛到永遠,我要唱, [試聽]
7. 到各山嶺去傳揚 (Go, Tell It on the Mountain) 到各山嶺去傳揚,越過山岡到各地方, [試聽][Midi]
8. 祂名稱為奇妙 (His Name is Wonderful) 祂名稱為奇妙, [試聽]
9. 等到你認識主 (Till You Know Jesus)   [試聽]
10. 耶穌我救主 (Jesus My Saviour) 耶穌我救主,萬福救贖主, [試聽]
11. 主要我祈禱,奉獻,受差遣 (He Wants Me to Pray, Give, and Go)   [試聽]
12. 何等奇妙的救主 (What A Wonderful Saviour!) 基督贖罪救恩完成,
13. 主看顧麼? (Does Jesus Care?) 主看顧麼?當我心痛苦, [試聽]
14. 何等奇妙 (O It Is Wonderful) 何等奇妙難明 [試聽]
15. 莊稼熟 (Whitened Fields)   [試聽]
16. 何等奇異 (Tis Marvelous and Wonderful) 救主帶著偉大能力來到,賜下平安在我心, [試聽]
17. 我真奇異 (I Am Amazed)   [試聽]
18. 虧欠多少 (How Much I Owe) 耶穌捨命在加略山, [試聽]
19. 怎能如此 (And On It Be) 怎能如此,像我這罪人, [試聽]
20. 萬古磐石 (Rock of Ages) 萬古磐石為我開,容我藏於主心懷, [試聽]
21. 天上榮耀充滿我的心靈 (Heaven Came Down and Glory Filled My Soul) 那是何等奇妙,奇妙日子, [試聽]
22. 主同在的榮耀 (The Glory of His Presence) 我曾與主穌耶同行, [試聽]
23. 一切不徒然 (It Will Be Worth It All) 當我見主耶穌,一切不徒然, [試聽]
24. 神同在 (God Is There) 當我需要朋友傾訢我苦惱, [試聽]
25. 耶穌與我同行 (Jesus Will Walk with Me)   [試聽]
26. 求主容我與你同行 (O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee) 求主容我與你同行, [試聽]
27. 必有恩惠與慈愛 (Surely Goodness and Mercy) 我是客旅我是流浪者, [試聽]
28. 願主藉我彰顯 (May Christ Be Seen in Me) 主阿我願奉獻自己, [試聽]
29. 再見 (Good-Bye) 再見,願主時常看顧你; [試聽][Midi]
30. 顯明的基督 (The Unveiled Christ) 從前我榮美的基督, [試聽]
31. 主耶穌,我曾應許 (O Jesus, I Have Promised) 主耶穌,我曾應許,永遠事奉我主; [試聽][Midi]
32. 請對我說 (Speak to My Heart) 請對我說,主耶穌,我願靜聽慈聲, [試聽]
33. 哈利路亞!奇妙救主 (Hallelujah, What a Saviour!) 天父愛子由天至,拯救罪人脫永死, [試聽]
34. 請對我說 (Speak to My Soul) 請對我說,親愛主!請向我發慈聲; [試聽][Midi]
35. 基督精兵奮起 (Soldiers of Christ, Arise) 基督精兵奮起,快快穿上軍裝,上帝藉著永生聖子, [試聽][Midi]
36. 單獨與主 (Alone with God)   [試聽]
37. 救主為你 (It Was for You) 救主為你十架受害, [試聽]
38. 我曾獨自親近耶穌 (I Have Been Alone with Jesus)   [試聽]
39. 我願遵主旨意 (Choosing to Do His Will) 我願遵主旨意,無論或留或去; [試聽]
40. 主翅膀下 (Under His Wings) 主翅膀下,我如今安然居住, [試聽][Midi]
41. 行祂旨意 (His Way with Thee) 你願否為主而活,心常純潔善良? [試聽]
42. 順服 (Submission) 我所行走的路,引我更近天父, [試聽]
43. 跟隨耶穌 (Where He Leads Me) 我已聞救主的呼召, [試聽]
44. 只有葉子 (Nothing But Leaves) 恩主正尋找收獲果實, [試聽]
45. 遵主旨意 (To Do Thy Will)   [試聽]
46. 沒有難成的事 (Nothing Is Impossible) 我看見聖經中有神的應許,
47. 靠我靈成事 (By My Spirit) 是否有山阻擋你路? [試聽][Midi]
48. 我總不忘記你 (I Will Not Forget Thee) 主寶貴應許:「我總不忘記你。」 [試聽][Midi]
49. 我不再孤單 (No Longer Lonely)   [試聽]
50. 漂蕩 (Drifting)   [試聽]
51. 奇妙的平安 (Wonderful Peace)   [試聽]
52. 主常顧念我 (Thou Thinkest, Lord, of Me) 我雖遇見試煉痛苦, [試聽]
53. 有平安在我心 (Constantly Abiding) 有平安在我心,非世界所能賜, [試聽]
54. 救主所賜的平安 (The Peace that My Saviour Has Given) 有如花朵的芬芳, [試聽]
55. 祈禱又歡唱 (Sing and Smile and Pray) 歌唱雲便散,黑夜變白晝, [試聽]
56. 非金也非銀 (Nor Silver Nor Gold) 非金也非銀能使我得蒙救贖, [試聽]
57. 惟有耶穌 (Only Jesus)   [試聽]
58. 像榮美川流 (Like a River Glorious) 神完全的平安,像榮美的川流, [試聽]
59. 需要神蹟 (It Took a Miracle)   [試聽]
60. 華美天宮 (Ivory Palaces) 我主衣袍極珍貴華美, [試聽]
61. 全是因為加略山 (All Because of Calvary)   [試聽]
62. 我羊知我聲 (My Sheep Know My Voice)   [試聽]
63. 愛的豐富 (The Riches of Love) 世上的財寶非屬我, [試聽]
64. 打美好仗 (Fight the Good Fight with All Thy Might)   [試聽]
65. 主恩更豐厚 (He Giveth More Grace) 重擔越加重,主的恩典越豐厚; [試聽]
66. 主,我願做你的門徒 (Lord, I Want to Be a Christian) 主,我願做你的門徒, [試聽]
67. 計算主恩 (Count Your Blessings) 有時遇見苦難如同大波浪, [試聽]
68. 晨光燦爛天空 (When Morning Gilds the Skies)   [試聽]
69. 那受傷的手是為我 (The Hand That Was Wounded for Me) 主雙手被釘在十字苦架 [試聽]
70. 哈利路亞!讚美主名! (Hallelujah! Praise His Name!) 哈利路亞讚美主聖名! [試聽]
71. 在祂大能膀臂 (Held in His Mighty Arms)   [試聽]
72. 將憂慮全交託主 (Casting All Your Care)   [試聽]
73. 每步跟隨主 (One Step At a Time)   [試聽]
74. 跟隨我 (Follow Me) 我在孤寂的路上走, [試聽]
75. 祂甚至也愛我 (He Loves Even Me) 當我想到救主的大愛, [試聽]
76. 耶穌,世界的盼望 (Jesus, the Hope of the World)   [試聽]
77. 主是我所愛 (He's the One I Love) 基督救主為我受痛苦,主是我所愛; [試聽]
78. 像枝子在葡萄樹 (As the Branch Is to the Vine) 像枝子在葡萄樹,無論我遇福遇禍, [試聽]
79. 祂屬於我 (I Know He's Mine)   [試聽]
80. 主回答我所求 (He Answers Every Prayer)   [試聽]
81. 渴望耶穌 (Longing for Jesus) 我心中饑渴地愛慕著耶穌, [試聽]
81. 渴慕耶穌 (Longing for Jesus) 我心中饑渴地愛慕著耶穌, [試聽][Midi]
82. 昨日,今日,直到永遠 (Yesterday, Today, Forever) 昨日,今日,直到永遠, [試聽]
83. 我只需要耶穌 (Jesus Is All I Need)   [試聽]
84. 我會捨命為你 (I Gave My Life for Thee)   [試聽]
85. 釘在十架 (Nailed to the Cross) 有一位甘願為我捨命在十架, [試聽]
86. 有主的同在 (O Thou in Whose Presence)   [試聽]
87. 甘背十架 (Willing to Take the Cross)   [試聽]
88. 落在深海裡 (Down Deep in the Sea)   [試聽]
89. 重擔皆脫下在各各他 (Burdens Are Lifted at Calvary)   [試聽]
90. 基列的乳香 (Balm In Gilead) 在基列地有乳香,能醫治人創傷; [試聽]
91. 十架有地方 (Room at the Cross) 耶穌捨命十字架上, [試聽]
92. 時間少 (So Little Time)   [試聽]
93. 在主耶穌聖架下 (Beneath the Cross of Jesus) 在主耶穌聖架下,我願歡然站立, [試聽][Midi]
94. 豈可空手回天府 (Must I Go Empty-Handed?) 兩手空空回到天家, [試聽][Midi]
95. 若今日來如何? (What If It Were Today?) 主耶穌不久要再降臨,若今日來如何? [試聽][Midi]
96. 只有一位 (He's the One)   [試聽]
97. 主領我經曠野路 (My Lord Knows the Way) 主能帶領我經過曠野路, [試聽][Midi]
98. 最好的朋友是耶穌 (The Best Friend Is Jesus) 那最好的朋友是耶穌, [試聽]
99. 主活在我心 (Christ Liveth In Me) 前遠離主,死在罪中, [試聽]
100. 我的拯救者 (My Deliverer) 美麗的主,我要完全得著你, [試聽]
101. 無人知道我所受痛苦 (Nobody Knows the Trouble We Seen)   [試聽]
102. 你想我能做主的精兵麼? (Do You Think I'll Make A Soldier?)   [試聽]
103. 要尋求 (Steal Away)   [試聽]
104. 千萬天使 (Ten Thousand Angels) 主在禱告的園子裡,他們捆綁主的手, [試聽]
105. 我完全相信 (I Am Persuaded)   [試聽]
106. 主被人帶走 (They Led Him Away)   [試聽]
107. 當以色列在埃及地 (When Israel Was in Egypt's Land)   [試聽]
108. 讓耶穌進入你心懷 (Let Jesus Come Into Your Heart)   [試聽]
109. 不住的歌唱 (He Keeps Me Singing) 在我心裡有美妙音樂, [試聽][Midi]
110. 願你認識主耶穌 (I Wish You Knew My Jesus) 願你認識主耶穌,像我一樣愛祂, [試聽]
111. 主,差我! (Lord, Send Me!)   [試聽]
112. 你是否願接待耶穌 (Have You Any Room for Jesus?) 你是否願接待耶穌, [試聽]
113. 匯合一切尊貴名 (Join All the Glorious Names)   [試聽]
114. 我一生目的 (My Goal Is God)   [試聽]
115. 我已經決定 (I Have Decided to Follow Jesus) 我已經決定跟隨主耶穌, [試聽]
116. 我心裡有一新歌 (There's a New Song in My Heart) 前我人生極不和諧 [試聽]
117. 為向人傳揚 (Saved to Tell Others) 我蒙拯救為向人傳加利利人耶穌, [試聽]
118. 我已找到快樂的途徑 (I've Discovered the Way of Gladness) 人類每天切心尋求, [試聽]
119. 靈魂得釋放者之歌 (The Song of the Soul Set Free)   [試聽]
120. Day by Day (Day By Day)   [試聽]
120. 每一天 (Day By Day) 每一天所度過的每一刻, [試聽][Midi]
121. 快樂歌唱 (Singing I Go) 快樂歌唱走生命路, [試聽]
122. 我知誰管著明天 (I Know Who Holds Tomorrow) 我不知明天的道路, [試聽][Midi]
123. 找失喪者 (Seeking the Lost)   [試聽]
124. 我知誰掌管前途 (I Know Who Holds the Future) 我知誰掌管前途,我知祂握著我手, [試聽][Midi]
125. 我曾否叫聖靈擔憂? (Have I Grieved Thy Holy Spirit?)   [試聽]
126. 我知神應許是真 (I Know God's Promise Is True)   [試聽]
127. 上好福分 (God's Best) 神給經得起試驗者, [試聽]
128. 我全相信 (This I Believe) 我相信主耶穌在各各他十架上受死, [試聽]
129. 做贖 (Redeemed)   [試聽]
130. 你在那裡? (Were You There?) 主捨命十架時你在那裡? [試聽]
131. 浪子 (The Prodigal Son)   [試聽]
132. 堅定相信 (Keep on Believing) 有時黑影來遮掩,煙霧隱蔽前路; [試聽][Midi]
133. 惟主使我心靈興奮 (All That Thrills My Soul) 誰像耶穌使人喜樂?因有祂同在一起; [試聽]
134. 若得全世界 (If I Gained the World) 若得全世界,得不到救主, [試聽]
135. 主拯救我 (Saved, Saved!) 主奇妙恩救我,賜新生命給我, [試聽][Midi]
136. 在這時代 (In Times Like These)   [試聽]
137. 只求你手一摸 (Only A Touch) 親愛主,只求你手一摸, [試聽]
138. 只要等候 (Only Wait)   [試聽]
139. 當世界忘記時 (When the World Forgets)   [試聽]
140. 只一望 (Just One Glimpse) 當我在罪惡的路上流浪, [試聽]
141. 同往錫安 (We're Marching to Zion) 愛主的人齊來,大家歡欣喜樂; [試聽]
142. 求把我收留 (Pass Me Not) 求救主垂聽我懇求, [試聽]
143. 主必預備 (The Lord Will Provide) 或這樣或那樣,主必要預備; [試聽]
144. 面對面 (Face to Face) 面對面見基督救主,面對面將要如何?見到為我受死耶穌 [試聽]
145. 交託祂 (Leave It There) 倘若世途多艱辛,缺少財物與金銀, [試聽]
146. 我信心找到安穩處 (My Faith Has Found a Resting Place) 我信心找到安穩處, [試聽]
147. 主,教我禱告 (Teach Me to Pray) 主,教我禱告,教我禱告, [試聽]
148. 主阿,指示你路 (Teach Me Thy Way, O Lord) 指示你路,主阿,指示你路! [試聽][Midi]
149. 藉祈禱交託神 (Take It and Leave It There)   [試聽]
150. 你國降臨 (Thy Kingdom Come) 基督我主我王,這是我求我望; [試聽]
151. 靠主膀臂 (Leaning On the Everlasting Arms) 何等的深交,何等的歡喜, [試聽][Midi]
152. 向高處行 (Higher Ground) 我今前往高處而行, [試聽][Midi]
153. 速發光 (Speed the Light) 千萬人活著在深海洋那邊, [試聽]
154. 神仍坐在寶座上 (God Is Still On the Throne)   [試聽]
155. 爭戰開始 (The Fight h On)   [試聽]
156. 主來那日 (God's Tomorrow)   [試聽]
157. 對我述說耶穌的故事 (Tell Me the Story of Jesus)   [試聽]
158. 主必再來 (Jesus Is Coming Again) 傳揚這奇異信息,歌唱這榮耀詩歌, [試聽]
159. 耶穌的腳蹤 (Footprints of Jesus)   [試聽]
160. 基督再來 (Christ Returneth)   [試聽]
161. 你否聽過這信息? (Have You Heard the Good News?)   [試聽]
162. 求神早日 (God Speed the Day)   [試聽]
163. 求主放普世在我心 (Lord, Lay the World upon My Heart)   [試聽]
164. 主的計劃 (His Plan) 罪人只有一個方法能知道, [試聽]
165. 跟隨跟隨 (Follow, Follow) 跟隨,跟隨,我願跟隨耶穌, [試聽][Midi]
166. 只有一個計劃 (Only One Plan) 只有一個計劃使人得救贖, [試聽]
167. 主,我不能 (Lord, I Cannot) 主,我不能走那山谷-太深邃, [試聽]
168. 信靠神能移山 (Faith in God Can Move a Mountain) 信靠神,巨大的山能挪開, [試聽][Midi]
169. 恩雨大降 (There Shall Be Showers of Blessing)   [試聽]
170. 主領我何往必去 (Wherever He Leads I'll Go) 背起十架來跟從我, [試聽]
171. 誰願意去? (Who, Then, Will Go?)   [試聽]
172. 耶和華是我的牧者 (The Lord's My Shepherd) 主耶和華是我牧者, [試聽]
173. 誰願順從耶穌? (Who Is on the Lord's Side?) 誰順從主耶穌,誰尊主為王? [試聽]
174. 我正在旅途 (Oh, I'm Travelling) 我是客旅,正在旅途, [試聽]
175. 若耶穌同行 (If Jesus Goes With Me) 或要經過幽暗滿佈危險的山谷, [試聽]
176. 奉主名前往 (Go in the Name of the Master)   [試聽]
177. 照樣差你 (So Send I You) 照樣差你去工作不望酬勞, [試聽]
178. 基督願接納罪人 (Christ Receiveth Sinful Men)   [試聽]
179. 我的託付 (My Trust) 我已領受主的託付, [試聽]
180. 主的使命 (The Great Commission) 主耶穌說:這天國的福音, [試聽]
181. 懇求主今帶領我 (Lead Me to Some Soul Today)   [試聽]
182. 福音真光 (The Blessed Gospel Light)   [試聽]
183. 無入關懷我靈魂 (No Man Careth for My Soul)   [試聽]
184. 開往水深之處 (Launch Out) 開往,水深之處, [試聽]
185. 十萬人靈魂 (A Hundred Thousand Souls) 每日有十萬人靈魂, [試聽]
186. 為何滅亡? (Why Must I Die?)   [試聽]
187. 深哉,深哉,耶穌的愛 (O, the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus) 深哉,深哉,耶穌的愛, [試聽][Midi]
188. 盼望之星 (Star of Hope)   [試聽]
189. 當聖徒進入天家 (When the Saints Go Marching In) 在世上我只為客旅, [試聽]
190. 我抱愧未獻主更多 (I'll Wish I Had Given Him More)   [試聽]
191. 直到狂風過去 (Til the Storm Passes By)   [試聽]
192. 一切都在耶穌裡 (All Things in Jesus) 環顧四週朋友正在尋求, [試聽]
193. 不斷禱告 (Just Keep On Praying)   [試聽]
194. 神的羔羊 (O Lamb of God) 我將所有奉獻與耶穌, [試聽]
195. 真是奇妙,奇妙的生命 (It's a Wonderful, Wonderful Life!) 從前我心裡完全虛空,生活總覺無意義, [試聽]
196. 那加利利人耶穌 (The Stranger of Galilee) 在美麗平靜加利利海邊, [試聽]
197. 你心裡不要憂愁 (Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled) 在這世代,人缺少禱告, [試聽]
198. 要忠心 (Be True) 從奉獻祭壇,我們今要出發, [試聽][Midi]
199. 傳福音之呼聲 (The Missionary Call)   [試聽]
200. 當我清楚得著確據 (When I Can Read My Title Clear) 當我清楚得著確據, [試聽]

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本頁更新日期: 11/04/2024
